On Walls, Squares, Bridges and Sqridges

A framework to think about North-South dialogues in communication and media studies

Sqridge article first page

This article analyses the workings of antagonism in academia, and concludes with a discussion of two metaphors - the bridge and the square - and their capacity to signify agonistic academic spaces. As the argument is made to combine both metaphors, the notion of the sqridge is proposed. It is this article that launched the metaphor that would lend its name to the NGO Sqridge.

the red square

[The article at the Journal of Latin American Communication Research]

sqridge logo

Communicating Academic Knowledge Beyond the Written Academic Text

An Auto-Ethnographic Analysis of the Mirror Palace of Democracy Installation Experiment

Beyond writing article first page

The article first discusses five approaches that aim to transcend, complement, or overturn the hegemony of the written academic text. In the second part, the Mirror Palace of Democracy installation experiment, is autoethnographically analyzed. The experiment allowed reflection on the integrated and iterative nature of academic communication, on the hybrid academic–artistic identity, and on the diversification of publics. Both the theoretical discussion on the five approaches and the Mirror Palace of Democracy installation are part of a call for more experimentation with, and theorization of, multimodal and/or arts-based academic communication.

the red square

[The article at the International Journal of Communication]

Covid-19 and cultural torpor

Short essay presented at the ADESTE+ European Conference, episode 5, on Tempestuous times – the crisis – recovery and change (28 September 2020)

screenshot slide 1 of presentation

the red square

[The short essay]
[The ADESTE+ website]

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